Share Your Story and Enter to Win!




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We want to hear from you!

Your experience of turning a challenging situation on its head is so valuable for all those people whose world has recently been turned upside down.  From that deeply shaken place, the road less traveled can look pretty intimating.  That's why Upside Down Cancer wants to hear from you. Login and share your story below.

Together we can light the way for people who are daring to explore off the beaten path.  So please share your story if you have experienced turning a crisis on its head and letting it become an opportunity to grow and thrive! Just login then scroll down and start writing!

We want to let everyone know there is a way through whatever health issue they are up against!

We want to hear from you....

Tell us:

  • What you were up against....a serious health issue? a life crisis? emotional struggles?
  • How did you turn it around to serve you?
  • What would like to tell people who are in the midst of a crisis right now?
  • What was the most helpful thing for you to inspire you to turn it around?
  • What continues to inspire you to thrive?

Simply login to the site and submit your story below.  We will post it on our site with a picture you submit, or we will add one.  We would love to see a picture of you to go with your story!  It will always remain your story and you can request to have it removed at any time. Once we have received a minimum of 15 stories we shall enter the names for the prize and notify the winner by email and on the website.

Many thanks for sharing and lighting the way for others.  

Be the voice you needed during the time you needed it the most.

Submit your story and enter to win!

Thank you!

Tressa and the Upside Down Cancer Team.